To get acquainted

Learn more about the GDPR Complete team:
who we are, how we are, what our mission is, and what our dream is.

Who we are?

We are a team of specialists with over 11 years of experience in the field of management, law and IT. We are reliable partners who have long-term partnerships with over 800 multinational companies, SMEs, and public institutions, who want to comply with data protection, privacy, and personal data of employees, customers, and collaborators, and who want to avoid fines and sanctions specific to the GDPR area.

How are we?

We are friendly and professional at the same time.
And very passionate about what we do.

What is our mission and how can we help you?

We are prepared and motivated to help companies and public institutions meet the challenges of the GDPR so that they can focus on what is really important to them.

GDPR Mission Complete
GDPR Vision Complete

What is our dream?

We want to change the mentality about GDPR compliance in Romania, to raise the level of professionalism and align it with European standards, by offering the highest quality services, with friendship, honesty, integrity, and with the pride that we are part of a team of professionals. in data protection.

Our specialists

Conf Univ Dr Nicolae Ploeșteanu
Conf Univ Dr Nicolae PloeșteanuGDPR Expert - Legal
Hilda Șumălan
Hilda ȘumălanGDPR Expert - Legal
Ionel Orza
Ionel OrzaProject Manager - DPO
Anca Suciu
Anca SuciuGDPR Marketing
Dan Gurghian
Dan GurghianGDPR - IT consultant
Ionela Avram
Ionela AvramDPO Specialist
Darius Farcaș
Darius FarcașDPO instructor
Maria Enea
Maria EneaLawyer
Ruxandra Săplăcan
Ruxandra SăplăcanGDPR Specialist

We would love to collaborate IF:

  • You truly respect your customers, employees, and employees.

  • You understand the value of GDPR compliance and you really want to apply the GDPR standard “like a book.”

  • You like long-term collaborations with professionals.

  • You like a job well done and you are not a follower of the philosophy “it works like that”.

GDPR Complete


Ce spun clienții GDPR Complet


“Ca marketer, am nevoie să implementez frecvent standardul GDPR pentru clienții mei, companii mai mici. După mai multe cursuri teoretice achiziționate – fără caracter practic – am ajuns la cursul GDPR pentru antreprenori. Este util, ușor de parcurs, practic. Kitul GDPR care vine la pachet te ghidează pas cu pas în implementare și face diferența.”

Andreea Pahonțu, Digital Marketing Specialist


“O echipa creativa, cu idei care tin pasul cu domeniul GDPR și care ofera soluții la orice propunere, intrebare, problema. Au fost receptivi la cerintele si exigentele noastre, oferind solutii bune de implementat. Suntem foarte multumiti de rezultatele parteneriatului nostru.”



“UNPIR colaborează cu GDPR Complet de ani buni. În toată această perioadă nu a existat niciun moment în care să simțim că lucrurile nu merg cum trebuie. Nu am avut nicio întrebare care să rămână fără răspuns. O echipă amabilă de un real profesionalism.”

Andrei Cîrchelan, UNPIR