Consultanță și implementare GDPR Sibiu

Consulting and implementation of GDPR Sibiu

The orientation to offer GDPR consulting services in Sibiu comes as a result of the portfolio of satisfied clients and the good collaboration with them, developed during the last three years and our constant presence in this city.

We address both private companies and state institutions. Among those to whom we offered GDPR consultancy in Sibiu we mention: public institutions, NGOs, small and medium companies, state companies, etc.

Our proposal for the implementation of GDPR in Sibiu

The first step will be to make an accurate assessment of your company or institution. Following the audit, we will prepare an AUDIT REPORT with the compliant and non-compliant aspects of the regulation. The next step will be to effectively implement the gdpr requirements and address non-compliance issues. We provide you with recommendations on aspects that can be improved, as well as ALL the DOCUMENTS you need, customized and adapted.

In this sense, we propose:

  • In this sense we propose: procedures

  • regulations

  • mapping of personal data

  • DPO outsourcing service

  • models for responding to data subjects’ requests

  • evaluation of CCTV / GPS surveillance systems

  • job descriptions

  • contractual clauses

  • privacy policies

  • IT infrastructure recommendations

  • we train people who work with personal data

GDPR services - data protection