Dacă ești o companie sau o instituție interesată de serviciile noastre, contactează-ne la 0745 508 673 sau scrie-ne pe contact@gdprcomplet.ro
Garanția conformității GDPR
From consulting to planning
Have you been to a course before but feel that you still need help implementing GDPR? Then we offer you our DPO consulting services
Nume și prenume (obligatoriu)
Nume companie (persoană juridică)
CUI (persoană juridică)
Nr ORC (persoană juridică)
Adresa completă (obligatoriu)
Adresa de e-mail (obligatoriu)
Nr de telefon (obligatoriu)
* E-mail address and no. will be used exclusively in communication related to the payment process.
Mapping data and processing flows
Risk assessment and impact assessment
Training of organization staff involved in processing
Analysis of the requests of the persons concerned on the basis of GDPR
Formulation of GDPR procedures (ex answers to requests from data subjects)
Evaluation of the IT infrastructure from the GDPR point of view
Implementation of effective GDPR implementation plans on the IT area
Carrying out effective GDPR implementation plans in the legal area
Verification of the implementation of the proposed measures
Cooperation with the Supervisory Authority
Defining the legal basis
Maintenance of implemented data processing systems
We are a united team with extensive experience in the field of data protection and we offer our clients the best quality services.
Apariții media GDPR Complet